A table of parts! Each entry links to a note.

A table of parts! Each entry links to a note.

One part = One note

One part = One note

My software of choice: Obsidian.md

While Evernote and Mac notes etc. are great for saving gifs & websites, your notes can get locked in (anyone else still recovering from Evernote's "upgrade" in 2020 😩). Plain text or 'markdown' files will be around in the year 2140 (and you can still add images or other attachments if you like).

Obsidian is free, cross-platform, and awesome. In some ways we're going back in time, using plain text, and storing files directly on your device. But with plugins you can make it do anything.

Notes on digital privacy

Creating a parts list in Obsidian:

  1. Meet a part, make a new note for it.

Notice I put #myparts and age:: 9 at the top of the note above... This is data that Obsidian can use to organize your notes (even though the note itself is just a text file on your computer)

  1. Make an automatically updating index

    ![Simple embedded query](<https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/6ae2a3c1-fc32-4681-91db-c41356f59b5c/Screen_Shot_2021-12-14_at_10.53.23_AM.jpg>)
    Simple embedded query
    - But wouldn't an 🦄 *EVEN PRETTIER*🌺  list be ***MORE** BETTER*? 🤩
        - Download the Dataview plugin
        - Make a note and type in
    age as "Age"
    from #myparts
    Sort age



Thats it!